Thursday 17 May 2012

End of UK trip

The blog has been a little quiet over the last few weeks while we've been enjoying time in the UK with family and friends. high points have been
Seeing People
Seeing People (needed mentioning twice - such a high point)
Giving and receiving hugs (in public without being culturally inappropriate)
Eating lots of yummy food
processing the last year in Tanzania

Low points....
Rain, cold, rain, more rain, cold, wet .....need I say more?
losing sleep, feeling unwell, and being a little too busy some of the time

This weekend Paul travels back to Tanzania leaving Beth and the family in the UK for the next few weeks.  Bridge2Aid has been busy over the last few weeks preparing for our next training programme in June.  We also have a recent publication in the British Dental Journal, a copy of which we can email you if you'd like to see it, on the rationale and background behind the work we do in Tanzania.  Email Paul on if you'd like to see a copy.

Kwa heri Uingereza.  Tutaonana mwaka ujao. 
