Wednesday 27 June 2012


There's a lot I could write about the last 5 weeks since my last blog post.  It's been a challenging time for us as a family as we've lived on two different continents and experienced some of the sacrifices that come with the life we have chosen.

Five weeks ago I left the UK for a really busy time in Tanzania and Kenya including visits to Nairobi, Dar es Salaam, Bukoba and several mine trips.  Because of such a busy travelling schedule (along with a few other considerations) we decided that Beth and the kids would stay in the UK and have more time with friends and family.  5 weeks is the longest Beth and I have spent apart in our married life.  During this time Hannah learned to walk and has really developed her ability to communicate.  Isaac's ability to think and problem solve has moved on.  Small things to miss, but significant.  Sacrifices that we and our wider family make by being in different parts of the world, living the lives we have been called to live.

I'm reminded of the far greater sacrifice that is the basis of us being here in the first place.  1 John 3:16 says "This is how we know what love is, Jesus Christ laid down his life for us."  His ultimate sacrifice not only demonstrated love, but also invited us to become part of his family, to be loved and love in a similar self sacrificial way.  We are here because God first loved us.  We respond to that by being people who love God and love people, and we demonstrate that as we seek to make a difference to people in pain in rural Tanzania.

Yes, there are costs and sacrifices to be made.  Of course, our sacrifices are small in the grand scheme of things.  And for us the time apart is now completely eclipsed by the joy of being together again in our home here in Tanzania.
