Monday 28 October 2013

Well done Isaac!!

Living in Tanzania and working for Bridge2Aid is pretty busy at times, so as much as possible, we try to prioritise time with family.  The weekend was full of good family time, and in particular, an opportunity for some quality time with Isaac.

On Saturday, we went to the swimming pool and Isaac swam the full length of a 10m pool on his own.  He's becoming a really good little swimmer.

Sunday morning was the Mwanza half marathon, 5km run and 2km run for kids.  We entered Isaac in the 2km run.  It was a tough run for Isaac.  He tripped and fell near the start of the race, but in spite of this we ran together and completed the course.  Pictures below are of us near the start line and Isaac at the end of the race at Kirumba stadium.

It was a proud dad weekend.  Well done Isaac.

1 comment:

Joy at bishoftu said...

proud Granny too . . well done Isaac ! and Paul :0)