Wednesday 4 December 2013


hand washing sink in our dining room
So many things tempt us to be frustrated and for those of you who have lived and worked in Africa or in a cross cultural, developing world situation, we do not need to list the daily and constant challenges as we are sure you can bring many to mind with ease! 
This week we are faced with daily power cuts at the most inconvenient times, a flooded bathroom again after umpteen visits from the plumber, cockroaches scurrying in the kitchen, scorpion in the sink and a bat flying in the lounge just after the house has been fumigated, another miscommunication which means our plans have to change, yet again. Those are just the challenges within our gates.... the list could go on....
As I drive the kids to their schools we run through the verses we have learnt together and I hear 2 year old Hannah pipe up “Our attitude should be like that of Christ Jesus, Philippians 2:5” and Isaac says “Philippians 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say REJOICE!” I can’t help but smile and be thankful and remember again that God is good all the time and in everything and in every situation we can praise God for his goodness and know that as we cooperate with Him, He brings good out of the work of the ‘thief, who comes only to steal, kill and destroy’. (John 10:10)

Well, that was written weeks ago but I didn't get around to posting it. Since then we continue to have a flooded bathroom several times a week, we are having daily power cuts, sometimes multiple, sometimes up to 12 hours at a time (which results in floods in the kitchen as all the ice at the back of the fridge melts), we have been on an extensive mouse hunt and now appear to have eliminated the vermin once again, the kids are still reminding me of life giving truths each morning, and last week I bumped into another scorpion, this time already dead, at Hannah's preschool. 

Did you know.... scorpions have blue blood?! They have haemocyanin (blue) instead of haemoglobin (red like us)
There are many more frustrating little (and not so little) challenges with living here in Mwanza but now we know that our time in Tanzania is coming to an end we are seeing these annoyances through different eyes, many of these things we will smile at for years to come and remember them with a laugh and even a fondness which we could not have imagined whilst in the midst of trying to solve, circumnavigate, ignore, or otherwise deal with the never ending list of problems that leave our teeth clenching muscles aching and over used!


Chris Richardson said...

would love to come and fix the plumbing!

Anonymous said...

aww yes, the things we get use to or adjust too living here. With time we will look back and wonder when we are in new places how we survived these day to day things. Hope you have less floods and critters visiting your home
and more power!

John and Maureen said...

I love this blog and am emotionally connecting with you as you anticipate your departure from TZ. Africa has become part of your story and you will miss living in its soil. But you will visit and you will also cherish these memories. I think you are leaving for the right reasons and I can't wait to talk with you in Bristol about all that is next.
you are prayed for and appreciated.
Your brother, John